Jacob Devlog

Dev log 1

This week of March 4th I began working on music for our game Phase 4. I created a music map sheet, with different genres on them to find a melody. I experimented with rock-type Melodys and drum and base melodies, but ultimately decided on a Latin inspired melody, that highlights the more chaotic syncopated gameplay that we have created. When it came to the drums, they are not inspired by Latin music. The drum beat comes closer to modern punk or rock, I did this in an attempt to create a unique soundtrack. I also worked on the character select music, where the harder hitting sounds drop out and the music that is heard is a piano part.  I didn’t slow the track down at all, but the calmer music gives the player a better opportunity to think about and read character descriptions. For our title track, I made a continuous gradual rise using softer synth notes, this is to give a grander scale to the player.

Dev log 2

During the week of April 21st I recorded voicelines for our announcer in Phase 4. This process was unique in my development experience. Needing to set up a recording area where it would sound the best, and finding recording equipment was something I was used to. Working with someone and recording a person was a new task that I was unaccustomed to. It was fun and new to work with my voice actor to make sure what was said was exactly what we wanted for the game. After about 50 voice lines I thanked him for his time and got to work on making sure the voice lines were compressed, leveled. Once the voice lines had the same tone and were leveled together, I began to add effects. I added reverb first, so it was easier to tell what the reverb was doing to each clip. After changing the reverb to fit the desired sound, i moved onto a pitch effect and lowered the pitch of everything. When I finished I had created the desired sound of the announcer and all I had to do was cut each clip, line them up, render each one so it was in a file type our game accepted, then shipped them off to our programmers for implementation. 

Get Phase 4 (2024)

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