Matt Devlog

Week 1

During the first week, I created a character controller for our player. This character controller uses Unity’s new Input System as well as the Character Controller component (rather than a rigidbody).


  • Character controller

Week 2

During the second week, I updated the character controller to include animations. As a group, we decided on the desired camera angle, so I implemented that into the controller. I also improved the character controller and animation controller to be smoother and less jittery. I also created a hardpoint game object that meets the criteria of the design team.


  • Improved Character Controller
  • Hardpoint Game Object
  • Hardpoint activation/deactivation functionality

Week 3

During the third sprint, I worked on the character spawning system. Each character has a “team” variable associated with them. The spawning script checks the positions of the player’s alive teammates, averages them together, and compares the distances to every possible spawn point. The closest spawn point to that average team position is where the dead teammate will spawn. If all teammates are dead, the team will spawn at their original team spawn position.

I also had conversations with the design team about map functionality, such as environmental damage and effects. I tested out their stitched-together map to see if any changes had to be made.


  • Spawn Manager script
  • Spawn points


BUG TESTING!!! That is the sum of the last week of development for me. The team and I fixed a lot of gameplay bugs including hardpoints, transferring data to clients, player animations, etc. This has been the most frustrating but rewarding part of the project. A lot of finding problems and fixing them.

Get Phase 4 (2024)

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