Design Document / Booklet

We are near the end of establishing a fully updated and stylized design documentation, listing the various details of our ideology and accomplishments towards making the game. We plan to format this as a potential booklet that would come with a purchase of the game or otherwise, allowing players to learn more about the mindset and insight of the game developers as we worked towards creating this game.

It is stylized with an 8-bit glowing border reminiscent of a sci-fi tablet, with miniature borders and its text glowing that same bright blue over the simpler navy blue background. Matching blues together like this has been a common color scheme for a lot of sci-fi products, and this is no exception. We plan on creating a few more small gifts like this to entice and provide further content to our future player base, so keep a look out for what's to come next.

Get Space Mail (2023)

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