Nicholas Fisher: Playtest Results - 5/4

Hey all!

As we enter into the final stretch, I'm uploading a list of major fixes that should probably be implemented before the final build:


  • Cutscenes and dialogue are the same during every run - plans to add new cutscenes and dialogue?

Mission Select:

  • Increase text speed
  • Text should auto-progress after a few seconds and/or add a prompt telling the player to advance the text
  • Add ability to access pause menu from the Mission Select screen


  • Extend screen to meet the screen’s edges


  • Can win game by holding the down key, as boxes are able to go above the top edge of the grid


  • Can get full points by not charting a path and waiting for time to run out
  • Cursor disappears in later minigames if time runs out


  • Ship Control upgrade should either be renamed to “Ship Speed” or reworked, as the upgrade makes the ship faster and more unwieldy, rather than easier to control.


  • Ship overlays How to Play widget

Other than that, the rest of the game is looking pretty good! Here's to the final build!

Get Space Mail (2023)

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