Cutscenes Decided and Development Begins 3/20/2023

We have all the cutscenes’ stories decided and storyboarded so production  of them can finally begin on Adobe Animate. Due to it being a program I’ve never used before production will be slow at first. Adobe is usually intuitive so I’m sure it’ll be fine, but working on it a little already the cutscene will be 12 frames per second. This way Aric and I won’t be giving ourselves too much work to do in the short time period before the game’s debut. We will each be doing two cutscenes, the two I’ll be working on are the cleaning scene aforementioned in the last post. The other one will be about the postmaster doing something in his office that he isn’t supposed to be doing and then you catch as you enter his office post mission.. He’s going to be munching on space donuts while you are out there dodging asteroids and the space donuts is a euphemism for space drugs. I’m planning to implement that through all of the cutscenes I’m creating and have the player slowly figure it out. I’m so excited for the lore surrounding the postmaster.

Get Space Mail (2023)

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