Area Introduction: The Church

Hey everyone! Coming at you here with an update, this time regarding one of the new areas that will be released with the Pre-Alpha Version of the Game: The Church!

The Church is the place where the player begins their journey as the chosen. The chosen has lived at the church for their entire life, dedicating their youth to learning the ways of the church and the harsh world that exists beyond its walls.

The Church, being located on the head of Abyssal is one of the few places that still has life left in it. Throughout the town, you can find many plants living, such as trees and giant flowers blowing in the breeze.


It is here as well that you can find many useful merchants that can outfit you for the journey ahead.

This is may be your home, but it has come time for you to leave the sheltered city and become the Chosen Hero you were destined to be...

Our Pre-Alpha Demo Launches this Thursday, please check it out when it releases!

Get Fallen Worlds (2020)

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